Interface Overview File Open / Save / Save as Colours Movement Background sound / audio Binaural sound / LFA Beeps / Taps Tracking Image / Background Image Media Player Shortcuts Options Unlocking Error Messages Support Trouble Shooting General setup

Error Messages and Notifications

Audio / Sound

[A1] Audio version 1.8 was not loaded

Restart the application / Windows. Sound card problem.

[A2] Can't start digital audio output

Restart the application / Windows. Sound card problem.

[A3] Can't Load Audio Sample

File corruption / wrong format / missing file.

[A4] Audio play function locked. Evaluation period over. Please purchase and enter unlock key.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[A5] Can't play audio sample

File corruption / wrong format / missing file.

[A6] Can't Load Audio Sample

File corruption / wrong format / missing file.

[A7] Audio driver version 1.8 was not loaded

Restart the application / Windows. Sound card problem.

[A8] Can't start digital audio output

Restart the application / Windows. Sound card problem.

Evaluation Period Security

[UL1] Unlock applied!

Software already unlocked. No need to apply the lock.

[UL2] Unlock failed. Verification level 3.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL3] Unlock failed. Verification level 2.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL4] Unregistered version detected. Timeout and usage restrictions apply.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL5] Evaluation period now over. Please purchase and enter unlock code.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL6] Days into evaluation =

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL7] Unlock failed. Verification level 3.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[] Unlock failed. Verification level 4.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[UL8] Unable to identify registration status.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

[M1] Start function locked. Evaluation period over. Please purchase and enter unlock key.

Purchase software and then enter unlock key.

Enter Unlock Key

[EUL1] Please enter first name / last name / address line 1 / city / zip

Person ID details missing.

[EUL2] Please re-enter ID details and then click on this button.

Person ID details missing - please enter.

[EUL3] File could not be created or written to.

Do you have access rights to systems folders / files? Could be a locked file (restart application / Windows)? Contact support.

[EUL4] Your software is now unlocked. Please restart the application to enable new settings.

Restart the application to enable new settings.

[EUL5] Unlock failed.

Do you have access rights to systems folders / files? Could be a locked file (restart application / Windows)? Contact support.

File Save / Open

[FS1] File could not be created or written to.

Do you have access rights to the folder / file? Is the file locked (restart application / Windows)? Contact support.

[FO1] Values from saved file not loaded back

Possible file corruption. Loading settings files from a previous version of the software. Reset the settings manually and resave.

[FO2] File could not be opened or read.

Do you have access rights to the folder / file? Is the file locked (restart application / Windows)? Contact support.

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Last Updated 27 July 2024 © 1998-2023