Thought field therapy software

Visual TFT - £15.75 (Approx $23 US) Instant 7 MB download

Problem: TFT involves tapping on specific points in a very precise order. There are three main "algorithms" or sets of tapping that apply to anxiety/stress, traumas and depression. The logic in terms of what to do and when can sometimes be a little confusing.

Solution: Visual TFT resolves this issue by visually and interactively guiding the user through the entire process.

What is the Visual TFT software utility? (Thought Field Therapy)

This software utility is designed to guide a user through the algorithm for stress and anxiety. More about TFT psychotherapy...

The Visual TFT software utility guides a user through the often complex process of tapping on specific points. The interactive instructions are contained within 30+ different screens that show the user exactly what to do and when. This software utility guides the user logically through the tapping process to remove stress and anxiety.

Installation Requirements

The system operates with the following versions of Windows

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • Vista
  • Windows XP (Home or Pro)
  • Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2005
  • Windows NT 4 (With service pack 6a or later applied)
  • Windows ME
  • Windows 2000 (With service pack 2 or later applied
  • Windows 98
  • MAC compatibility depends on the level of Windows emulation installed for PC version
  • MAC specific version available. Tested on OSX 10.3.9 / OSX 10.2.8 OSX / OSX 10.5 Leopard / OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard / OSX 10.7.5 Lion / OSX Mavericks 10.9

The software does support use on XP/Vista Netbooks.

Available as part of the Therapists Toolkit for Macs.

What about ongoing support and upgrades?

Installation support is UK based, free of charge and available by eMail. Updates are free of charge.

  • 2007 - V1.0 - First major release
  • 11 Sept 2012 - V1.2 Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
  • 24 Feb 2014 - V1.3 Windows: New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
  • 21 Mar 2015 - V1.3a Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
  • 21 Jan 2018 - V1.4 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added

How do use Dynamic TFT?

Suggested usage guidelines are documented in our training area. More...

Dynamic TFT is primarily intended for use in the management of stress and anxiety. More...

It may also be useful with the treatment of panic attacks / agoraphobia, the treatment of phobias and fears, the treatment of addictions and habits and in the treatment of trauma / PTSD.

How much does it cost? How do I get it?

Online: Click here to access our secure online store to purchase and download

By cheque: Complete an order form and send to us in the post with your cheque.

Glossary: tft, thought field therapy, tapping, tft animation, stress algorithm, anxiety algorithm stress, self therapy, tft software, tft app

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