Aversion therapy software

Aversive Modules containing NLP Map Across and
Mini Flooding / Video Playing Utility (see details)
Only £15.75 (Approx $23 USD) per module - Instant downloads (11 to 16 MB) or
£47.25 (Approx $69 USD) for all modules bundled together (50% discount)


The benefits of software assisted aversion

See also

Shared multimedia library (online access to a subset is provided with EMDR Pro or Therapists Toolkit orders, a copy of the entire library is provided on the EMDR Pro / Therapists Toolkit installation CDs).

Add-on Multimedia Library (online access to images and an installation CD for the library is provided with Therapists Toolkit orders or online access + an installation CD can be purchased separately).

Problem: Psychotherapeutic techniques such as the aversion rely upon the formation of realistic images in the imagination and then strongly associating unpleasant feelings with those images. Aversion often fails because many people have difficulty forming aversive images and can be unwilling to associate into aversive feelings.

Solution: Our software based approach addresses these issues by providing aversive images onscreen that can reduce the need to imagine anything at all and thereafter enables aversive imagery to be accessed in the imagination much more easily. The onscreen images prime the imagination for longer lasting effects. Primal aversive sounds and images tend to generate aversive feelings instantly. We provide a number of preset aversive solutions and enable you to supply your own images and sounds for non-standard situations.

What is Aversion Therapy?

For sufferers: Aversion therapy enables you to regain control by helping you to dislike whatever it is that you are liking too much.

For therapists: Aversion therapy is a good approach to initiate any form of behaviour control. For some patients, aversion alone will be sufficient for others aversion is part of an overall process. This aversion therapy software uses multimedia to help you to install strong aversive responses that you can then reinforce.

Note: The "Generic Map Across Aversion" module allows the user to select any image as the aversive / desired image and any sound as the aversive audio. {Non progressive jpg images / 1 x 7 sec max mp3 audio file}. The user can save / reload settings and a variety of sounds and images are provided. Neutral images are provided during the initial training mode, thereafter the user's own images and sounds are used. (See below). All other modules eg "Map Across Eating" use fixed images and sounds that canot be changed by the user.

What is the NLP Map Across technique?

The NLP Map Across Technique maps the submodalities of something that is liked into the submodalities of something that is not liked or visa versa. The technique can be used to help install aversive responses (sensitization) or to enable desensitisation.

The software repeatedly associate an image of eg chocolate / chips / sugar / cake / cigarettes / drugs / alcohol with an aversive image of eg excrement.

There are currently four issue specific modules that contain animated imagery with aversive audio covering Smoking cessation, Alcohol, Eating and Drug use cessation and 1 generic Map Across Aversion module that allows the user to select their own images / audio.

Each utility is a separate software product for ordering / installation purposes and a discounted bundle package is also available for PC products. Some modules also contain mini-aversive flooding utilities and the ability to play educational videos on demand.

Most modules also contain mini utilities to facilitate aversive flooding and all modules contain utilities to enable educational videos to be played on demand. Any sample public service videos provided do not form part of the product.

Map Across Eating (£15.75 / Approx 23 USD) 12 MB / 50 MB

  • Chocolate Map Across utility
  • Fries (chips) Map Across utility
  • Cake Map Across utility
  • Sugar Map Across utility
  • Burger Map Across utility

Also includes:

  • A mini aversive flooding utility that interweaves images of unhealthy foods with aversive images
  • A built-in video player to play anti-alcohol abuse videos (7 sample video files are provided via a separate 50 MB installation file)

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Map Across Alcohol (£15.75 / Approx 23 USD) 7 MB / 20+MB

  • Wine Map Across utility
  • Beer Map Across utility
  • Spirits Map Across utility (Whiskey/Gin/Vodka)

Also includes:

  • A mini aversive flooding utility that interweaves images of multiple forms of alcohol with images of alcohol social harm / excrement / liver damage
  • A built-in video player to play anti-alcohol abuse videos (10 sample video files are provided via a separate 20+MB installation file)

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Map Across Drugs (£15.75 / Approx 23 USD) 12 MB / 20+ MB

  • Joint Map Across utility
  • Pipe Map Across utility
  • Foil (Heroin) Map Across utility
  • Diazepam Map Across utility

Also includes:

  • A mini-flooder utility that interweaves aversive images with images of a variety of drugs and paraphernalia
  • A built-in video player to play anti-drugs videos (10 sample video files are provided via a separate 20+MB installation file)

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Map Across Smoking Cessation (£15.75 / Approx 23 USD)
7 MB / 20+ MB

  • Cigarette on ash-tray Map Across utility

Also includes:

  • 2 mini Flooding utilities using medically aversive smoking imagery (aversive pack images + various forms of cancer / cigarette images)
  • A Map Across aversion utility that allows you to select specific pack images
  • A built-in video player to play anti-smoking videos (11 sample video files are provided via a separate 20+MB installation file)

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Generic Map Across Aversion (£15.75 / Approx 23 USD)

  • User selected images
  • User selected sounds (1 x 7 secs max)
  • Save / reload settings
  • Suitable for any issue
  • Sample images and sounds are provided
    • Aversive Sounds: Coughing / retching / flies / vomiting
    • Aversive Images: Fly / hair clippings / dog excreta / human excreta / vomit / maggots / smoking through trachea pipe / slugs
    • Desired images:
      • Alcohol: Beer / wine / vodka / whiskey
      • Food: Chocolate / cake / chips / coca-cola / burgers / pizza / fried chicken / french fries
      • Drugs: Pipe / joint / foil / crack / diazepam / syringe / cocaine
      • Smoking: Benson and Hedges / Marlboro (Red / Lights) / Camellights / Chesterfield / Embassy / Embassy Regal / JPS / Mayfair / More / Silk Cut / Superkings (15 images)
  • Further aversive images and sounds are available in the shared multimedia library and the add-on multimedia library
  • Also includes a built-in media player to enable video files to be played on demand (10 alcohol / 11 smoking / 10 drug sample videos provided)

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What do the Map Across Technique utilities do?

The modalities of the aversive object are amplified, the modalities of the liked object are minimised, the liked object is mapped on top of the aversive object as left to right matching auditory stimulation is provided.

In real terms this means:

  • The user is directed to think about an image representing the problem
  • The problem image is positioned center left of screen
  • The problem image is faded out a little and made smaller
  • The user is directed to think about an image representing the aversive image
  • The aversive image is positioned center right of screen
  • The aversive image is pulsed (gets bigger by about 10% then returns to normal size)
  • The problem image moves into the aversive image with a whoosh sound
  • The two images are displayed at the right hand side of the screen one after another in a cycle with whoosh sounds that pan from left to right
    • As this happens sounds of vomiting are played and the aversive image pulses
  • The problem image is made a little smaller and is slightly faded out
  • The user is asked to consider how they feel about the problem now

Map Across Aversion (user selected images version) may differ from the above profile slightly - eg the user can select whatever aversive audio file they wish.

Warning: These utilities can generate a strong sense of nausea. As with most aversive techniques the conditioning tends to remain for a matter of months unless reconditioned. If a therapist always gain informed consent before using aversive approaches.

Installation Requirements

The system operates with the following versions of Windows

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • Vista
  • Windows XP (Home or Pro)
  • Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2005

The software does support use on XP/Vista/Windows7/8 Netbooks.

What about ongoing support and upgrades?

Installation support is UK based, free of charge and available by eMail. Updates are free of charge.

  • vMA Drugs
    • vMA Drugs - V1.1 - Heroin specific request - used foil image added / vomit sound added / permanent loop added / "no desire to use" suggestion added 14-May-04.
    • V2.0 - 6-Jun-07 - version number change only
    • V2.1 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
    • V2.2 - 21 Aug 2010 - Addition of diazepam tablets / lorazepam liquid, a mini aversive flooding utility, and a built-in video player added to allow anti-drugs aversive videos to be played (10 sample videos supplied via a 20+ MB installer)
    • V2.3 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
    • V2.4 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
    • V2.4a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
    • V2.5 - 21 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added
  • vMA Food / Eating
    • vMA Food - V1.1a - "Cake" image added back to the "eating" product 7-Nov-06
    • V2.0 - 6 Jun 07 vomit sounds added
    • V2.1 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
    • V2.2 - 22 Aug 2010 / V2.3 - 25 Aug 2011 - Addition of burger image utility, a mini aversive flooding utility (unhealthy foods / aversive images) and the addition of a built-in media player with 7 healthy eating sample videos included
    • V2.3 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
    • V2.4 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
    • V2.4a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
    • V2.5 - 21 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added
  • vMA Alcohol
    • vMA Alcohol - V2.0 2-Jun-07 - "Beer" image added to the alcohol product (beer part also includes vomiting sounds)
    • V2.1 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
    • V2.2 - 21 Aug 2010 - Addition of spirits module (vodka / gin / whiskey) and general update, 26 Aug 10 - addition of medically aversive mini flooding utility, addition of built-in media player with 10 anti-alcohol abuse sample videos included
    • V2.3 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
    • V2.4 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
    • V2.4a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
    • V2.5 - 21 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added
  • vMA Smoking
    • V2.0 - 6-Jun-07 - Vomit sounds added
    • V2.1 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
    • V2.2 - 24 July 2010 - Small Flooding facility added using medically aversive smoking imagery
    • V2.3 - 25 July 2010 - Utility added to enable the user to select from 13 pack images instantly, 24 Aug 2010 - built-in video player added to allow anti-smoking aversive sample videos to be played (11 supplied via a 20+ MB installer)
    • V2.4 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
    • V2.5 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
    • V2.5a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
    • V2.6 - 21 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added
  • vMA Aversion (Generic user selected images / audio)
    • V 1.0 - 5 Aug 08 - vMA Aversion introduced - enables the user to select their own images and an aversive audio file (jpg / mp3), and save / reload settings
    • V 1.1 - 14 Sept 08 - vMA Aversion - animation improved, slug aversive images added, vomit image improved, 'use sample library' option clarified, problem / solution buttons made clearer ie the solution image is the aversive image
    • V 1.2 - 17 Sept 08 - vMA Aversion - problem image now fades slightly before being merged with the aversive image, the short retch sound has been slightly edited and a longer 6.5 second retching sound has been added
    • V 1.3 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate, improved layout of Options tab
    • V 1.3 - Aug 2010 - Addition of build-in media player with access to install anti-smoking, anti-alcohol abuse, healthy eating and anti-drugs sample videos
    • V 1.3 - May 2010 - Addition to the installer of more food related 'desired' images (french fries / fried chicken / pizza)
    • V 1.4 - 16 Nov 2011 - Ability to have no audio at all, addition in the installer of 12 preset settings files covering alcohol / drugs / smoking / eating with aversive sounds effects (10 settings files have been included with no aversive sound effects)
    • V1.5 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
    • V1.6 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
    • V1.6a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
    • V1.7 - 21 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added

How much does it cost? How do I get it?

Online: Click here to access our secure online store to purchase and download instantly

By cheque: Complete an order form and send to us in the post with your cheque.

How do I use Map Across Aversion products?

Suggested usage guidelines are documented in our training area. More...

The Map Across Aversion range is primarily intended for use in the treatment of addictions and habits. More...

Glossary: aversion, food aversion alcohol aversion, drug aversion, smoking aversion, aversion therapy, nlp, map across, smoking, smoking cessation, alcohol, alcohol cessation, alcohol control, drug use cessation, crack, hash, joint, chocolate, chips, eating, sugar, self help, self therapy, psychotherapy software, aversion software, aversion therapy software, aversion therapy app

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