Desensitisation Multimedia for therapists and self-use (Instant download / CD)

Current desensitisation multimedia products include:


These resources are designed for use by therapists or by individuals wishing to self-desensitise.

For best effect they can should used within eg EMDR Pro or Flooder or Vivo or Swish. Audio files are designed for use with a CD or MP3 player.

Desensitisation should ideally be gradual and most of the resources have been designed to enable gradual exposure to increasingly confrontational images.

If flooding is to be employed we still recommend that a gradual approach be adopted to avoid retraumatisation.

Main shared user image / audio / video multimedia library

Add-on multimedia library

Our add-on library contains more than 4,000+ images and more than 55 audio / video files that extend the range of the shared user multimedia library. The add-on library package includes online access to all images and an installation CD that merges the image / audio / video files into the shared user library. The library is provided part of the Therapists Toolkit bundle and can be purchased separately for use with any of our software products. The add-on library contains all of the images, audio and video files that are part of the mini flying / heights multimedia collections listed below and our combat desensitization audio. More...

The following resources are not supplied as part of our main library but can be incorporated into the library:

Flying Phobia Desensitization images / video

A large collection of flying phobia desensitisation images and two video files showing all aspects of the flying process from check-in to baggage collection. The video clips show take off. More...

Heights Phobia Desensitisation images / video

A collection of heights phobia desensitisation images and video multimedia showing progressive views out over a 4th floor hotel balcony and downwards into a 5th floor spiral staircase. More...

Emetophobia Desensitisation Multimedia

A collection of graded images / audio files and video files showing anything related to nausea and or vomiting. More...

Combat / war desensitisation images / audio pack

A free graded library of images and audio emulating different levels of combat intensity is available as part of Flooder. (The audio is available as a single file as well - see below). More...

Desensitisation Audio Files

The following are available from - one of our partners.

Thunder - sounds of a thunder storm are gradually phased into one channel whilst relaxation music is played on the other channel. More...

Social Noise - social environment sounds are gradually phased into one channel whilst relaxation music is played on the other channel. More...

Emetophobia - sounds of vomiting are gradually phased into one channel whilst relaxation music is played on the other channel. More...

Combat / War - an emulation of the entire combat experience culminating in a medical evacuation. More...

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Last Updated 06 February 2025 © 1998-2023