£15.75 (approx $25 US) (21 MB / 11 MB instant instant downloads)
EMDR Home (PC Only - See EMDR Multi Home for Mac/Linux version)
EMDR Home is a cut down version of an version of EMDR Pro and is specifically designed for use by patients / clients when at home as directed by their therapist.
Included in EMDR Home |
Included in EMDR Pro |
Track in any direction at any speed
*Round (oval) or square (rectangular) tracking objects
Several colours for the tracking object
Beeps (less variety than in the pro version)
Change background colours
Flat / just off flat tracking motions
Alter the size of the tracking object (width and height at the same time)
Precise number of tracking sets including infinity
*Depends on your screens dimensions (aspect ratio)
The following features are not present in EMDR Home
Cycle between the main tracking motions
Continuous movement or bounce movement
Pause at left / right hand sides briefly
Beeps (Large range)
Single or multiple background images
Background sound loops
Background CD audio / play large audio files
In-sync panning of all background audio
An image as the tracking object
Alter the width and height of the tracking object independently or at the same time
Semi subliminal textual messages
Save / load settings profiles
Circular / wave / elliptical / figure of eight tracking motions
Tactile unit compatibility
Record audio
Remote screen support
Display video files
And more...
EMDR Home version history
- V1.0 - 9 May 2008 - First release
- V1.1 - 19 May 2009 - Technical simplification of unlocking process to resolve a possible issue when changing specific security settings in Vista - (there is no need to re-enter your unlock code when updating)
- V1.2 - 30 Nov 09 - Made help file from EMDR Pro available even if EMDR Pro is not installed
- V1.3 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
- V1.4 - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
- V1.4a - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
- V1.5 - 20 Jan 2018 - Optional online generation of unlock codes added
EMDR Lite is a simple and inexpensive mini software utility to demonstrate the EMDR process. EMDR Lite has:
- fixed background sounds / images / movement
- woosh beep
- optional classical music background
- auditory movement only {center of screen}
- optional semi subliminal textual messages
- relaxed / calm / at peace
- positive / optimistic
- calm / confident
- change your state
- fixed size yellow ball with a blue background
EMDR Lite is not suitable for use by therapists to treat patients. EMDR Lite demonstrates the basic EMDR process when used for EMDR training or client demonstration purposes.
NOTE: The programming language used to develop EMDR Lite is very much more limited than the programming languages used to develop EMDR Pro/Home. For the best possible software based EMDR treatment with smooth high quality animation and multimedia capabilities we strongly advise that professional therapists or those wishing to treat themselves use EMDR Pro.
Online demo of EMDR Lite
A cut-down online preview version of EMDR Lite can be seen below:
To add the above free utility to your website just copy and paste the code below:
EMDR Lite version history
- V1.1 12/April/06 Minor release: Improved beep (lower frequency, pans 100% left and right). Ability to enter a number to change the speed added (top right of screen)
- V1.1.1 12/April/07 Product officially listed as non-supported to focus development time onto EMDR Pro
- V1.1.2 7 Nov 06 despite officially being a non-supported product since 12/April/06 a minor changes were actioned to ensure that the product would operate with Adobe Flash Player Version 9. As part of this update the original much simpler version of EMDR Lite was also included.
- V1.2 5/Jan/07 Minor release: A different approach to the animation was used.
- V1.2 8 Jun 07: The old fixed speed version of EMDR Lite was removed and replaced with another version of variable speed EMDR lite without positive subliminal messages
- V1.3 - 2 Feb 2010 - Change to enable silent reinstallation via autoupdate
- V1.4 - 11 Sept 2012 - Windows: Full use is now made of the available screen area even if in widescreen mode
- V1.5a - 24 Feb 2014 - New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations
- V1.5b - 21 Mar 2015 - Update to facilitate installation on systems with Korean / Japanese / Chinese system character sets
- 1.6 - 20 Jan 2018 - Online generation of unlock codes and auto-unlocking after EMDR Home is unlocked
EMDR Lite and EMDR Home PC Installation Requirements
The system operates with the following versions of Windows:
- Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
- Vista
- Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2005
- Windows XP (Home or Pro)
- Windows NT 4 (With service pack 6a or later applied)
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000 (With service pack 2 or later applied)
- Windows 98
- MAC compatibility depends on the level of Windows emulation installed for PC version
Mac version details (Discounted). NB Mac bundle does NOT include EMDR Home.
As of Mar/06 a Mac version of EMDR Lite is also available.
- MAC compatibility for PC based products depends on the level of Windows emulation installed
- The Mac version has the same features as per V1.1 mentioned above.
- OS X 10.2-10.6 Jaguar/Panther/Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard
- Tested on OSX 10.3.9 / OSX 10.2.8 OSX / OSX 10.5 Leopard / OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard / OSX 10.7.5 Lion / OSX Mavericks 10.9
- An updated version was published on 14 June 07.
- Modules are provided in .dmg and .bin format (Click here to test your system (dmg version))
- 20 MB download (dmg)
- (See also EMDR Multi Home Mac OSX)
For the Mac version there are several different files that can be downloaded:
- Variable speed with background audio without subliminals
- Variable speed no background audio with subliminals
- Variable speed with subliminals
NB The terms and conditions for Mac sales differ from those that apply to PC sales. Click here for details...
How do use EMDR Home / Lite?
Suggested usage guidelines are documented in our training area. More...
EMDR Pro can be used as part of the process for treatment of trauma / PTSD, the treatment of panic attacks / agoraphobia, the treatment of phobias and fears, the ongoing management of stress and anxiety and the treatment of addictions and habits.
How to purchase and download
To purchase online and download please click here.
To purchase by cheque please complete an order form and send to us in the post with your cheque.
Terms and conditions
Glossary: emdr, emdr therapy, emdr self-therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, emdr software, online emdr, self emdr, trauma, cbt, processing, ptsd, emdr home use software, emdr software app