Binaural sounds also known as LFA or low frequency audio (V5.3+)
In the main GUI
Binaural sounds are sounds that are perceived within the mind when listening to combinations of sound frequencies. The effects range from feeling alert through to very relaxed depending on the combination of frequencies being played. Binaural sounds are also often known as "low frequency audio" or "mind sync audio".
Panning and smooth start do not apply to to Binaural sounds and the volume is set at whatever the system volume is. It is therefore important to ensure that the system volume is set as low as possible before playing Binaural sounds. A slider to control the system volume has been provided (Windows 2000+).
To play a Binaural sound click on the "Wave" icon, select a file and click on OK. To stop playing a Binaural sound click on the round "Stop" icon. There are many sample files provided.
The inbuilt binaural sound generator
Top of window - Misc options
Type - List of check boxes Type (Drop or Slide - Slide holds the beat frequency constant whilst dropping the carrier tone from the initial value right down to 0Hz. "User" allows the user to directly edit the current profile manually
Result box Sound profile - code that describes the sound that will be played
Filename box Current filename to save profile to
Icon - generate Generate sound profile - generates a code that describes the sound that will be played (triggered automatically whenever there is a change)
Icon - test Test profile by loading and playing
Icon - stop test Stop playing profile test
Icon - save Save to file using existing filename
Icon - save as Save to file using new filename
Icon - save as wave file Save to .wav file file using new filename to C:\CS\Shared\Audio\Binaural\
Scroll bar - system volume System volume
Icon - Exit and play Exit and play in EMDR Pro
Area 1 - Drop options
Check box - timings Select non-standard timings (the default is 30 mins if not selected)
Scroll bar - droptime Drop time (mins) - overall playing time
Scroll bar - holdtime - Hold time (mins)
Scroll bar - waketime - Wake time (mins)
Scroll bar - level Level frequency 200Hz (00 to 2Hz (99 Carrier frequencies from 200Hz (00 down to 2Hz (99. Later levels (lower frequencies) require headphones that can reproduce really deep bass frequencies, ideally down to 10Hz or lower.
List of check boxes - depth Depth - selects the depth of the beat frequencies Deeper beats (later letters are supposed to be better
Check box - slide Slide - when selected there are no steps and the frequencies smoothly and gradually change throughout the whole session
Area 2 - Slide options
Scroll bar - duration Duration in mins
Scroll bar - carrier frequency Carrier wave frequency
Scroll bar - beat Beat frequency - the sound that you experience internally - lower frequencies generate more relaxation. Note: The lowest frequencies may not be audible on your system.
Area 3 - Shared options that apply to drop and slide types
Scroll bar - tone volume Tone volume
Scroll bar - beat volume Beat volume
List of check boxes - tones Tone options - tones are faded in and out at the start and end of the session
Check box - mix Select a sound file to mix with - selects mix as the tone automatically MP3/Wav files must be 16-bit stereo files. MP3/Wav support is experimental and playing stops when the sound ends. OGG sound files can be looped. (See below for conversion process).
Bottom of window - Play exisitng profile
Icon - load and play Load existing profile and play
Icon - load play stop Stop playing loaded profile
Bottom of window - Convert ogg file to looped ogg file
Icon - load and play Load existing ogg file and play
Icon - play / pause Play / pause loaded ogg file
Button - convert Convert into a looped ogg file and save to C:\CS\Shared\Audio\Binaural\ogg-loops
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