File Open / Save / Save as
File Open via Windows
When a settings file eg relax.emdr is double-clicked EMDR Pro will open and the settings will be loaded. Common settings files can therefore be placed eg on the desktop for rapid access. If several settings files are opened at once only the first settings file will be opened.
File Open
Enables you to load a settings profile from c:\CS\vEMDR\User (default path)
The file filter will be set to *.emdr and should not be altered. emdr files should not be edited.
The new settings will be implemented immediatly.
You may load a new settings profile at any time.
If a media file is missing (that was in the shared multimedia library or in any of the other default media file locations used in previous versions of EMDR Pro) EMDR Pro will try and find a file by the same name or a very similar name in the shared multimedia library.
This means that folder names and file names can change slightly and the media file will be automatically relocated when opening saved settings files. If the filename changes too much the file will not be relocated. (Multiple background images are excluded from this because this area of the program has its own way of dealing with missing images).
Shortcut: ALT/F/O
NB: The current settings profile will inherit all values from the last profile loaded unless a new value is present in the current profile. This is intentional and allows you to maintain a standard profile with non-standard child profiles.
UNSUPPORTED FEATURE: .emdr files are in plain text format (value name / tab / value / crlf) and CAN be edited using notepad (NOT Wordpad/Word etc). Manual editing is not advised however.
File Save
Enables you to save any changes to an existing settings profile to c:\CS\vEMDR\User (default path)
If a current profile is present it will be overwritten without further warning messages.
If a current profile is not present the "File save as" window will appear.
The file filter will be set to *.emdr and should not be altered. emdr files should not be edited.
Shortcut: ALT/F/S
File Save As
Enables you to save the current settings profile to c:\CS\vEMDR\User (default path)
You will be prompted to enter a new filename. The file filter will be set to *.emdr and should not be altered. emdr files should not be edited.
Shortcut: ALT/F/A
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