Support: Frequently Asked Questions

Unlocking and registration     List of Categories
A software use licence applies to all of our products. The unlocking / registration process enforces aspects of the licence ie the software must only be installed on 2 systems at the same time per licence and both systems must be owned by and primarily used by the licence holder. The unlocking / registration process varies slightly between different types of product.

  • When trying to unlock I see a message something like 'Can't write to licence file'?

    When installing and unlocking you need to have admin rights assigned to your user account. This message may also appear if a file has become locked so try restaring your PC.

  • When I click on the "Send unlock code request" I get a "can't send email" message even though I am connected to the internet.

    Some firewalls eg Norton block outgoing eMails sometimes without alerting the end user. First try and unblock the communication through your firewall. If still affected click on the "copy to paste buffer" and eMail the results to us manually.

  • How do I get a copy of my user / unlock codes?

    We will have sent you eMails listing all of your user / unlock code combinations so check your eMail archives, ask us to resend or use the self-service utility on the user support utilities page that lists details for all of your standard purchases.

  • Without warning my unlock code became invalid and my old unlock code does not function. Why?

    You have probably changed your Windows login username or logged in as someone else. Change your user name back to what is was originally or login as yourself. This can also happen after reinstalling Windows, after upgrading eg to Windows 7 from XP, after a new hard-drive has been installed or after a new motherboard has been installed. Depending on available evidence we make a judgement call in terms of whether to provide an additional unlock code. Autoupdate reports are very useful in this process because the autoupdate sends us an overview of the system that the software is installed on. We can use the report to determine if the system is new or updated.

  • I am using Autoupdate and keep having to re-enter my unlock code after the new version is installed. Why?

    You are using an old Beta test version of autoupdate that does not update itself. Manually uninstall and reinstall the latest version of autoupdate. (See unlock eMails for download details). If Autoupdate visibly opens updated products each time after updating them then you are using an old version.

  • I want to install on 5+ systems - is there a discount?

    Yes. A discount is available for the Therapists Toolkit (PC) and EMDR Pro (see shop) for multiple licenses that allows you to install on up to 10 systems.

  • If I want to install on a third system can I do so without paying more?

    No. You would need to purchase an additional licence.

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