Support: Frequently Asked Questions

Norton etc     List of Categories

  • A Norton box appears warning me of heavy system usage by some products eg Autoupdate / EMDR Multi Home / Pro. Is this a problem?

    No - this is not a problem. Norton is simply telling you that a program is doing a lot of work. If autoupdate is installing the Toolkit for example it will be installing more than 200 MB of software this all takes a lot of processing. The message can be disregarded and the alert can be made less sensitive and programs can be excluded in Norton: Settings Misc Settings Performance Monitoring High Usage Alert for CPU (Select Off) OR Program Exclusions / Configure[+] / Add (Select eg C:\CS\Autoupdate\autoupdate.exe) Click on "OK"

  • I accidentally blocked eg Autoupdate from accessing the web when asked by Norton - how do I undo this?

    Open Norton. Select settings. Expand the "Network Settings" tab. Scroll down to the "Smart Firewall" area. Click on "Configure+" to the right of "Program Control". Scroll down to find eg "C:\CS\Autoupdate\autoupdate.exe". Select "Allow". Click on "OK".

  • I'm experiencing strange and unexplained behaviour eg unable to access web via products and products vanishing

    Norton and similar products can block specific software products from accessing the web and can delete software without warning especially if the software is a new version and or wishes to access the web. In Norton this is due to "Quiet mode" in the main. In "Quiet mode" Norton enters into a high security mode and makes security decisions without informing the user of giving the user the choice to over-ride Norton's decision. At best this can mean that software is blocked from accessing the web / sending eMail. At worst key parts of software can be physically deleted by Norton. A copy of whatever has been deleted is placed in Norton's quarantine area. Also, when trying to access the web or send eMail software may appear to hang or wait for long periods of time. These effects can apply to any software installed but the effects will not affect all software products in the same way - software that the user had marked as "trusted" will be unaffected. The resolution is to get out of Quiet Mode and to disable Norton's "Sonar" mode or better still add C:\CS and an Auto Protect / Sonar exclusion. Files that have been moved to Norton's quarantine area can be recovered by clicking on "Quarantine" (top left), then "Option" and then select "Restore". If Norton or your system ever asks you if it is OK for our products eg autoupdate to access the web select "Yes". If you are having difficulties installing Windows Updates Sonar may be the cause. Updates are new files and may be treated as "Untrusted". Norton is a good product but does require some customisation / user education to prevent negative impact on normal activity.

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