Heights phobia, fear of heights desensitisation images and video multimedia files

Balcony / Spiral Staircase

A collection of 12 good quality jpg images and 3 video files filmed in Turkey covering all parts of the heights experience including:
  • Hotel balcony
    • The view over the bay
    • The view leading up to the edge of the balcony
    • The view over the balcony
    • Video x 1: From the corridor to over the edge and back again - includes sound
  • Spiral staircase
    • The view from below
    • The view from the top to the side progressively closer
    • The view over the edge of the balcony
    • Videos x 2: The view from safe to safe over the edge / The view directly over the edge tracking the staircase slightly - includes sound

These images are available in 800 by 600 pixels jpg format within 2 zip files and are available for instant download after purchase. The video files are in avi format and include sound. The quality is sufficient to enable full-screen viewing if required. (Approx 30 MB combined). (£9.99 GBP / Approx $14 USD).

Suitable for any form of desensitisation therapy including CBT and EMDR based approaches. Very suitable for use with 'EMDR Pro', 'Vivo' and 'Flooder' etc.

The licence for these images and video files is "for individual use", for use with any Neuro Innovations' software product and excludes integration into any other product regardless of media.

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