Windows / Mac OSX / Linux EMDR Software Feature Comparison

The following table is compares all of our core MS Windows / Mac OSX and Linux EMDR software products against each other, feature by feature. Counts of media files may vary over time. Information provided on this page is for guidance purposes only and may possibly contain inaccuracies. Please refer to the product pages for detailed information. Last updated May 2011.

Our EMDR software range - compatibility at a glance (Detailed EMDR software comparison table)
Feature EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)


Simple horizontal tracking from left to right in the middle of the screen Y Y Y Y Y
Tracking in any direction [Visual / Auditory / Kinaesthetic] (V/A/K/Ad-Vc/K-Vr) N Y Y Y Y
The number of styles of tracking eg flat, elliptical, oval, circular, wave, vertical, figure of eight 1 2 1 5 9
Clockwise and anticlockwise tracking for non-flat tracking modes ie elliptical N N N Y Y
Change tracking direction during movement / treatment mode N Y Y Y Y
EMI tracking patterns Circular / Vertical / Wave / Figure of eight N N N Y Y
"Bounce" tracking pattern (object is not visible when tracking through the middle of the window) N N N N Y
Random tracking N N N N Y
Cycle between the key standard tracking patterns to infinity N N N N Y
Stop tracking after a user defined number of reps N Y Y Y Y
Stop tracking after a fixed, system defined number of reps eg 24 Y Y Y Y Y
Display the current number of reps when in treatment mode N N Y Y Y
Reset number of reps N N (Can be done by changing the number of reps) Y Y Y
Anti habituation (small speed variations over time) N Y N Y Y
Smooth the tracking movement to compensate for hardware variations N N Y (Implicit) Y (Implicit) Y (Extensive)
Track to infinity N Y Y Y Y
Change tracking speed during treatment mode Y Y Y Y Y
Pause at the left / right hand sides N N Y Y Y
Stop movement instantly Y Y Y Y Y

Tracking image(s) / object

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Preset shapes can be used as the tracking object Y - 1 x Y - 2 x Y - 2 x Y - 2 x Y - 6 x
Images or icons can be used as the tracking object N N N Y Y
User can select their own tracking image / from any location N N N Y Y
Library of tracking images / icons provided N N N Y - 755 on installation, 740+ online Y - 317 on installation, 740+ on CD / online
Different colours of shapes N Y - 5 x Y - 3 x Y - 3 x Y - 5 x
Multiple tracking image support (the tracking image changes when the tracking object reaches the eg right hand side) and the ability to change the order N N N N Y
Change the width and height of the tracking image / object N Y - Both together Y - Both together Y - Both together Y
Change the width and height of the tracking image / object independently rather than together N Y N N Y
Change the width and height of the tracking image / object when in treatment mode N Y - Both together Y - When in dual screen mode Y - When in dual screen mode Y - Both together
Transparent background tracking images eg gif / png supported N N/A N/A Y Y
Animated gifs supported N N N N (Displays but without movement) Y
Preview tracking image(s) before selection N N/A N/A Y - via OS Y

Background image(s) / Colours

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Background image support N N N Y Y
Multiple file formats supported N N N Y Y
Library of background images provided N N N Y - 66 on installation, 1,490 online Y - 9 on installation, 1,490 on CD / online
User can provide their own background image N N N Y Y
Automatic standardisation of background image file size N N N N Y
Multiple background images supported, user can change the display order, image changes eg when the tracking image hits the eg left hand side of the screen N N N N Y
User can change the display quality of the background image(s) N N N N Y
Display the background image only when the tracking image is at the left / right hand sides N N N N Y
User can change the colour of the background N Y Y Y Y
User can cycle randomly between different background colours N N N N Y

Background Video

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Background video display with audio supported (video fills part of the screen) N N N N Y
Change the volume of the background video independently from the volume of other sounds N N N N Y
Pan video audio from left to right as the tracking object / image moves from left to right N N N N Y
Load large audio files N N N N Y
"Smooth start" audio N N N N Y
Library of video files N N N N Y a few on installation, 63 on CD / online

Background audio

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Play background audio Y - Preset (Optional) N N Y Y
Bilateral auditory stimulation that pans background music from left to right as the tracking object / image moves from left to right N N N N Y
Ability to play audio from video files and very large audio files N N N N Y
Play audio from CD N N N Y Y
Change the volume of the background audio independently from the volume of other sounds N N N Y Y
Play complex low frequency audio sound files N N N Y Y
Generate low frequency audio sound (Binaural Sound generator / player built-in) N N N N Y
Play 2 background sounds at the same time N N N N Y
Library of background sounds provided as part of the standard installation N N N Y - 52 on installation, 276 online Y - 51 on installation, 276 on CD / online
User can provide their own background sounds N N N Y Y
Preview background sounds before selection N N N N Y
Stop background sound instantly Y N N Y Y
"Smooth start" audio N N N N Y

Background beeps

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Play a beep sound when the tracking object is at the far left and right hand sides of the screen Y - Preset Y N Y Y
Library of beeps provided N Y N/A Y - 106 on installation, 205 online Y - 103 on installation, 205 on CD / online
User can provide their own beep audio files N Y N/A Y Y
Change beep volume independently from the volume of other sounds N Y N/A Y Y
Stop beep sound instantly Y Y N/A Y Y

Tactile Units

EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Tactile unit support (automatically synchonises with on-screen movements) N N N N Y - Historically only
Strong and gentle modes N N N N Y
Standalone software to operate the Tactile Units without EMDR software being run N N N N Y
USB powered N N N N Y
Light inside hand-held units to indicate which unit is active N N N N Y


EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
Change and save default settings N Y Y Y Y
Search for and try to relocate missing / renamed media files N N N N Y
Save and reload settings N Y Y Y Y
Record sounds (beeps / background / low frequency audio) from within the software N N N N Y
Keyboard shortcuts N Y Y Y Y
On-screen semi-subliminal textual messages Y - Preset / Optional N N N Y
Treatment forms N N N N Y Therapists only
Embedded copy of the NLP Swish process N N N N Y
Embedded copy of EMDR Lite N N N N Y
Multi-screen support Y - Clone mode Y - Clone mode Y - Clone and Dual screen modes Y - Clone and Dual screen modes Y - Clone mode / Some support for dual screen mode
Suitable for self application of EMDR Y Y Y Y Y
Suitable for use by therapists N N N Y Y
User is guided throught the treatment process via onscreen instructions Y N N N N
Full help within the product including keyboard shortcuts if appropriate N/A Y - Based on EMDR Pro Y - Also online Y - Also online Y - Also online, also in a printable format
"Hover help" - help for each button etc N Y Y Y Y
Access to online multimedia library N N N Y Y
Access to the full shared multimedia library on CD N N N Y (Additional cost £5 GBP) Y (Additional cost £5 GBP)
Languages supported 1 (En) 1 (En) 1 (En) 1 (En) 4 (En / Es / Fr / Cn)
Operating system Windows / Mac Windows Windows / Mac / Linux Windows / Mac / Linux Windows
Other Mac version is in several different application files Bundled with EMDR Lite for PCs Linux features may differ from those listed above Linux features may differ from those listed above Available with a CD containing the full shared multimedia library


EMDR Lite (Windows / Mac) EMDR Home (Windows) EMDR Multi Home (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Multi Pro (Mac / Windows / Linux) EMDR Pro (Windows)
GBP without CD options 15.75 Free with EMDR Lite 15.75 39.75 57.75
USD (Estimated May 2011) 25.46 Free with EMDR Lite 25.46 64.26 93.36
Euros (Estimated May 2011) 17.91 Free with EMDR Lite 17.91 45.19 65.65
Included in the Therapists Toolkit (PC / Mac) Y N N Y Y

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