About us

  • Technical issues and sales / billing enquiries info@neuroinnovations.com

  • Technical support is provided by eMail. Installation support by phone for the UK can be arranged, requests should be made by eMail initially.

  • Sales / billing enquiries for anything purchased via changingstates.co.uk (audio CDs and downloads) info@changingstates.co.uk

Why was Neuro Innovations created?

Neuro Innovations was created in 1998 by technology-enabled therapists including myself (Bill Frost - Changing States) that were unimpressed by what was currently available to therapists. The software available at that time was either over-priced, did not perform the desired task as required, or was very nice and pretty but did not do much.

Over time we formed a loose coalition of interested parties that developed into a pool of skills covering psychotherapy, business management and technology that is known collectively as Neuro Innovations. Our primary focus is to develop effective software for use by psychotherapists as well as the general public.

As a therapist myself I can certainly say that I use Neuro Innovations solutions with all of my clients at one time or another. These tools do exactly what they say they do and are highly effective.

Neuro Innovations is managed on a not for profit basis and any profits made are invested back into research and development.

Bill Frost BSc(Hons), DCHyp, PDCHyp, NLPMP, MBSCH

Other services

  • Visibility
  • Development

    IT Projects
  • Development
  • Automation
  • Excel recovery 

  • Data Cleaning 
  • Structure/Strategy

  • Review / Audit
  • IT Development 
  • The benefits of computer assisted psychotherapy

    We are in the 21st Century and it is our belief that therapy should move with the times and jump aboard the technology wagon where appropriate. This does not mean becoming over reliant upon technology (in the case of EMDR Pro: just because your computer can generate eye movements does not mean that you will be unable to use a pen if required!)

    There are a number of advantages to the technological approach:

    • Consistency of approach
    • Visual communication
    • Simultaneous use of many modalities
    • Speed of delivery
    • Ease of repetition (especially for desensitisation / EMDR)
    • ...

    Yes but...

    ...surely the goal of therapy is to activate the client's imagination, to trigger within the client mental imagery and kinesthetic responses by listening to what the therapist says - the key is the therapist!!!!

    Exactly! That's why technology helps. Not everyone can access their ability to visualise with ease - this sometimes needs assistance. Not everyone can easily associate into a feeling with ease - this also often needs assistance. The technology does not replace the therapist and of course the therapist should still provide commentary to generate that internal imagery and to maximise all other modalities. That is why software works so effectively - it gets the client 75% of the way, allowing the therapist to focus on the therapy itself.

    "Only about 15 percent of people are good imaginers. They have difficulty maintaining that state of imagining a scenario." More...

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    Last Updated 27 July 2024 © www.neuroinnovations.com 1998-2023