Additional unlock code request for all products priced at £15.75

This facility is for licence transfer to another computer for the following products: EMDR Lite/Home, Tasker, Teen Away, Aversion Products, Swish Lite/Pro, TFT Anxiety, vMA Phobias, Virtual Flight, Flooder, Recip Manager, ...

Terms and conditions

Only for use by existing customers (1 additional unlock code is provided free of charge) so you can install on 2 computers without additional charge

All additional unlock codes are provided to cover situations of machine failure or replacement only, if you wish to install on a third computer you will need to purchase a new licence via our web-shop

Requests made by non-customers shall not be refunded and requests that are rejected are not refunded

The charge is not for an additional licence, it is to cover administrative costs to (1) evaluate if it is possible to provide an additional code and (2) to send the code if the request is deemed to be reasonable

£6.30 GBP (Approx $US 10 / € 7) per code requested

To prevent abuse we may limit the number of codes provided if the number of requests seems excessive

For a single product

Request Type
Product name & User code

For multiple products

After payment send in your list of product names / user codes for processing by eMail.

Number of products(Max of 9)
Request Type
Name / eMail Address

When we receive your order we will manually verify that you are an existing customer and will send you your unlock code typically within 24 hours. In the case of eCheques we will wait until they cleared.

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Last Updated 14 January 2025 © 1998-2023