Terms & conditions

For full terms and conditions please refer to healthynet.co.uk

  • All eMails are sent via us
  • We do not provide source data
  • Ethical products / services only

Health, medical, alternative and complementary therapist eMail marketing services from £200 ($327 USD)

Visit: healthynet.co.uk for details

What do we do?

We promote training courses and health related products / services via a variety of websites and by direct marketing via our newsletters. We specialise primarily in the UK health, medical, complementary therapy and well-being sectors. Our primary contact database contains in the region of 100,000 records.

What types of services and products do you help promote?

Our aim is to be as varied as possible. In the case of training courses topics might include stress management, NLP, self-hypnosis, mindfulness, CBT, audio CD production, technology enhanced psychotherapy and more...

Product / service quality

The teachers and organisations that we work with are all verified experts in their field with a good track-record of delivering professional training courses. The product producers that we work with will all have been evaluated by us for legality etc.

Can you promote our service / product?

We can work with you on a partnership basis or you can simply use our direct-mailing marketing service to promote your course.

This service is a partnership between Neuro Innovations and a specialist data-enhancement provider. Our orginal 2007 database has been greatly cleaned and enhanced as a result as a result of this partnership.

Visit: healthynet.co.uk for details

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Last Updated 27 July 2024 © www.neuroinnovations.com 1998-2023