Autoupdate utility - Free (8 MB)

Ensures that you have the latest version of all products installed

Autoupdate is utility that is designed to automatically install Neuro Innovations product updates.

In the past to obtain the most recent version of a product you would have needed to download the current version, uninstall the previous version and install the latest version manually. Now all you need to do is click on the "Autoupdate" icon and the program will do all of the above on your behalf more or less automatically.

All you need is the userid and password that you normally use to access the Neuro Innovations downloads area. A reminder of your userid / password is contained in all unlock code eMails that we send out. Please note that the userid and password are both CaSe SeNsItIve.

Autoupdate will update almost all Neuro Innovations products, including itself and has been tested on XP Pro, XP Media Centre, Vista and Windows 7 machines - all with broadband Internet connections. (Exceptions are - all Mac products and the Emetophobia desensitisation pack). (The program may not be able to access the web from within some 'proxy server' corporate networks or if blocked by a firewall).


(1) Download "Autoupdate".

Right click on the link at the bottom of all unlock eMails sent after 1 Oct 08 and select "Save target as" in Internet Explorer or Outlook Express, or "Save link as" in Firefox".

You will be prompted to enter your userid and password as mentioned above. Save to your hard drive eg your desktop and double click on the file when it has fully downloaded to install the Autoupdate program.

(2) Close all open applications and double click on the new "NI Autoupdate" icon that will have appeared on your desktop.

Enter your userid and password as mentioned above one final time (thereafter the userid / password will be automatically saved so you don't need to re-enter them again).

Click on the "Check for updates" button.

(3) Wait until the updates have been downloaded.

(NB If there are a lot of updates to be installed this could take some time, so perhaps take a break and let the program do the work for you). The program may seem to freeze at times but it is working in the background.

If "Autoupdate" needs to update itself the program will close automatically. You will need to reopen "Autoupdate" manually after the reinstallation has taken place.

Confirm that you want to install the updates by clicking on "Next" if prompted. You should not be prompted to confirm uninstallation and reinstallation for all products other than Autoupdate itself.

After the updates are installed the updated programs will be opened so you can see what has changed.

(4) When something significant changes in any of the programs you have purchased we will let you know via the what's new page on this website.

All you need to do at that point is click on the "NI Autoupdate" icon again and the latest versions will be installed for you.

The first time that "Autoupdate" is run it will uninstall and reinstall everything that was installed prior to Oct 2008. Thereafter only updates will be installed.


  • Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • Vista
  • XP (Home or Pro)
  • Mac with Windows installed / Emulator

Not fully compatible with Windows 98 / Windows 2000. Not compatible with native Mac systems.

Version history

  • 30 Sept 2008 to 1 Oct 2008 - V1.0 - First stable release was on the 1st Oct
  • 06 Oct 08 - V1.3 - Resolved caching problem that was preventing some users from downloading the latest version of installation files
  • 12 Oct 08 - V1.4 / V1.5 - Included function to skip installation of any program that is listed as being open
  • 20 Oct 08 - v1.6 - Corrected reinstallation issue that may have prevented automatic reinstallation of Autoupdate itself. Corrected bug on Vista that would have caused the program to crash just before attempting to download on Vista systems only.
  • 18 May 09 - V1.8 - Required update due to change in the way that EMDR Pro is structured
  • 2 Feb 2010 - V1.9 - Change to enable silent reinstallation of updated registered / unlocked products
  • 4 Feb 2010 - V2.0 - Improved handing of uninstallation / reinstallation, better error reporting, improved onscreen handling of status messages
  • 5 Mar 2010 - V2.1 - More obvious message when password or userid is incorrect, no window 'freezing' sometimes when processing large files, improved colors
  • 31 Jan 2011 - V2.2 - EMDR Multi Home and EMDR Multi Pro added to the list of products automatically updated, more relaxed userid / password authentication
  • 18 May 2011 - V2.3 Integration of "Hypno Info" - Hypnosis Information Database / Hypnotherapy Script Knowledgebase
  • 7 Mar 2012 - V2.3 Corrected "send error report" issue that prevented error reports from being sent at all
  • 11 Sept 2012 - V2.4 Improved the way that the userid / password is validated, enabled automatic self update for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • 24 Feb 2014 - V2.5 New icon and improved "My Desktop / My Programs" installation locations, improved reinstallation of self including removal of corrupted "wait" file
  • 1 Oct 2014 - V2.6 More visual indications of uninstallation / installation progress. Fixed "Copy log for pasting" facility, added "List downloaded installation files" facility, improved error reporting facility

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