Authorised Affiliate Programme

See also

Affiliate login and fee reporting

Affiliate contract

Affiliate instant access customer login

We offer an authorized affiliate programme for the affiliate sale of the Therapists Toolkit (PC), EMDR Pro and EMDR Pro + installation / shared multimedia CD.

The programme at a glance:

  • Commission is 20% of the net sale
    • Net sale = gross payment - transaction fee - postage if posted
  • Instant access via a custom login page
  • You are provided with a custom payment page - all sales made via this page are tagged with your affiliate ID
  • Automatic reporting and fee calculation
  • Quarterly payments are made via Paypal
  • Prices are quoted in your local currency using exchange rates that are updated on a daily basis

To be considered for the program then let us know the following:

  • Full name
  • Websites that you manage
  • Intended geographical region
  • Your intended marketing approach
  • Your level of experience

Some of the many image resources are as follows:

Therapists Tookit




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Last Updated 27 July 2024 © 1998-2023